February, 12 2009. On the day, there was a historical n important activity in my campus. It is Launching Bilingual Campus Year 2009, a new program of STAIN that socialized Bilingual Campus to public. Bilingual Campus is a program to invite all students, lecturer n all people of STAIN to begin speaking in English or Arabic in their daily activities inside campus. Language is very important in all aspects of our life. So increasing language ability is really needed.
In our campus there are 2 language departements, English n Arabic. They have many students to reach our campus' dream for being a bilingual campus. English and Arabic are 2 languages that are used in many countries in the world, even English, it's studied and used in most of countries. Bilingual campus is a very good way to lighten the students' competence, especially in Language. And also to introduce more about our campus, so that it can make many students of senior high school to choose STAIN be university where they continue their study.
Yah, I know it's hard to change our habit.
From this words I wanna invite all brothers and sisters to respond this program, especially for u who are in language departement, and generally for all of you. Let's start from the first step, like combining Indonesian and English or Arabic when you are talking, saying hello. Or may be just say how are you, or kaifa haluka, hehe... remember guys, before we are able in making paragraph, I believe that we can make a sentence. If we can make a sentence, it's mean we can make a phrase and certainly make a word first. Begin from the smallest thing to reach the biggest thing. Better late than never.
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In our campus there are 2 language departements, English n Arabic. They have many students to reach our campus' dream for being a bilingual campus. English and Arabic are 2 languages that are used in many countries in the world, even English, it's studied and used in most of countries. Bilingual campus is a very good way to lighten the students' competence, especially in Language. And also to introduce more about our campus, so that it can make many students of senior high school to choose STAIN be university where they continue their study.
Yah, I know it's hard to change our habit.
From this words I wanna invite all brothers and sisters to respond this program, especially for u who are in language departement, and generally for all of you. Let's start from the first step, like combining Indonesian and English or Arabic when you are talking, saying hello. Or may be just say how are you, or kaifa haluka, hehe... remember guys, before we are able in making paragraph, I believe that we can make a sentence. If we can make a sentence, it's mean we can make a phrase and certainly make a word first. Begin from the smallest thing to reach the biggest thing. Better late than never.